Funky Rockaway Houseboat Dubbed ‘Ziggy Stardust’ Now Renting for $850/Night

Funky Rockaway Houseboat Dubbed ‘Ziggy Stardust’ Now Renting for $850/Night

April 14, 2016

For $850 a night you could nab a room at the iconic Plaza Hotel or something much, much less traditional: a houseboat in the waters of Far Rockaway owned by a Vermont hipster. That’s right, this kooky houseboat, dubbed the Ziggy Stardust, is up for rent at the aforementioned nightly price through Airbnb. It is pretty decked out inside with surfboards, guitars, and pieces of reclaimed driftwood. We’ll go out on a limb and say it’s one of the most unique places to spend a night in New York City.

rockaway house boat, airbnb

rockaway house boat, airbnb

rockaway house boat, airbnb

rockaway house boat, airbnb

The boat is docked at the former home of Boatel—which has been shut down—according to Queens Crap. It’s not an easy place to get to, as it’s a decent walk after you take the A train deep into the Far Rockaways. The out-of-the-way location, some say, is considered part of the appeal.

rockaway houseboat, airbnb, entrance

Here’s your view once you open the front door.

rockaway houseboat, airbnb, hammock

rockaway houseboat, airbnb, surfboards


rockaway houseboat, airbnb, living room

The houseboat is loaded with quirky details and hang out spots. I mean, how can you argue with a hammock in a houseboat? And there are two of them!

rockaway houseboat, airbnb, kitchen

The kitchen’s been outfitted with everything, right down to a juicer and cutting board.

rockaway houseboat, airbnb

rockaway houseboat, airbnb

rockaway houseboat, airbnb

And then there are tons of cozy nooks throughout, including a study area (why would you want to study on a houseboat?) as well as a guitar room. All the wood detailing is made from salvaged driftwood.

rockaway houseboat, bedroom

rockaway houseboat, bedroom

rockaway houseboat, bedroom

rockaway houseboat, bedroom

rockaway houseboat, bedroom

The place has four bedrooms, seven beds and can accommodate up to 10 people. In case you’re already planning a houseboat party, beware: the Airbnb host warns in his listing, “THIS IS NOT A PARTY BOAT.”

boatel, hang out area

Here’s your floating common area, perched outside the boat along the pier.

rockaway houseboat, airbnb, views

And here’s your view from the boat itself. Best viewed, we’d say, from the hammock in the living room.

[Via Queens Crap]

[Ziggy Stardust – Floating Rockaway by Benjamin for Airbnb]


Photos courtesy of Airbnb

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