All articles by Terri Williams

February 24, 2025

All the things you need to keep your New Year’s resolutions in 2025

Nearly two months into 2025, it's a good time to check in on your New Year's resolutions. If you need help meeting your goals this year, we've rounded up several tools to get you across the finish line. Whether it's making healthier choices, staying active, getting organized, or generally prioritizing self-care, these are some of the best items to help you keep your 2025 resolutions.
our picks
January 17, 2025

30 things to help you hibernate this winter

True homebodies (I’m one of them) are perfectly happy to spend most of their time at home. They may show up for important events just to keep things from getting weird, but they’re most comfortable relaxing or working around their house or apartment. So when thinking of the types of gifts to buy, you can’t go wrong with something that makes being at home more stylish, cozy, comfortable, fun, or useful.
August 20, 2024

30 best travel essentials for any trip

Whether traveling for business or pleasure (or both), having the right gear makes a difference. Feeling comfortable in any situation, enjoying the comforts of home, keeping the kids occupied, and having the confidence that you’re prepared to face emergencies, can make your trip more enjoyable. Ahead, find travel essentials to consider bringing on your next trip.
June 19, 2024

NYC is noisy: These are the best items to help drown out the noise

Living in the city that never sleeps can be exciting, but sometimes, it can be a bit much. Every now and then, you might want a slower, quieter pace. From rowdy neighbors, crying babies, and loud TVs to car horns and alarms from the street below, your home may be louder than you’d prefer. And this makes it hard for you to relax and unwind, and even harder to concentrate and sleep. We’ve rounded up some ideas to help you soundproof your home (or at least soften the noise) and also relax despite those unwanted sounds.
peace and quiet this way
June 10, 2024

40 best Father’s Day gifts

This Father’s Day, show appreciation to the unsung heroes in your life. When choosing a gift, it's safe to assume these guys have enough ties and socks. Instead, we compiled a list of fun and practical gifts that they’ll actually want to use. Whether you’re looking for gifts for fathers, grandfathers, brothers, uncles, or other father figures, we’ve curated a list of Father’s Day gift ideas that are sure to please.
gifts for dad
April 11, 2024

30+ best wellness products to add to your self-care routine

Whether we actually are or not, Americans feel like we’re busier than ever. According to Daniela Wolfe, a burnout prevention, self-care, and work/life balance expert at Best D Life, we often feel like we have a never-ending to-do list and can’t take a moment to relax because there is always something that needs to get done. “However, by planning your time at home - just like you would at work - and creating a schedule and some structure around where your time goes, you can find productivity, success, and the freedom to have the space for fun and relaxation every day,” she says.
March 11, 2024

Sleep Week 2024: Here’s what you need to get better rest

Sleep Awareness Week is here. While it’s not always easy to get the right amount of rest and sleep, it’s important to do so. "Rest is an essential part of productivity because we’re not machines," says Amelia Pleasant Kennedy, CEO and founder of A Pleasant Solution. "Our brains and bodies need a break from the constant decisions and calculations we’re making throughout the day." Kennedy tells 6sqft that we mistakenly think there will be more time in the future to rest and sleep if we get a few more things done right now. "Yet this can be a trap that leads to overworking," she says. "The chores and work will wait, and you’ll be better prepared to tackle these activities once you’re refreshed."
our picks
February 12, 2024

The best space heaters for small apartments

Space heaters are a great way to add extra warmth to a small, drafty apartment. And as long as you use them as recommended, space heaters are perfectly safe – especially the newer versions, which come with lots of safety features. Options include powerful models that can oscillate, show the temperature on the digital display, have remote controls, and are compatible with voice assistance – and some can also cool and purify the air. Ahead find some of the best space heaters for small apartments.
stay warm this winter
February 9, 2024

40 gift ideas for every type of Valentine

Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to give your loved one something they will really appreciate. It could be candy and flowers – but it could also be something that, at first glance, doesn’t seem like a Valentine’s Day gift. The point is to get them something that they’ll want, like, and use. With that in mind, we’re suggesting a variety of Valentine’s Day gift ideas that are sure to please.
our picks
January 19, 2024

24 best items to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions in 2024

A new year not only provides an opportunity to reset the calendar but also the chance to reevaluate the goals we set but didn’t accomplish last year. Admittedly, it’s a lot easier to set new resolutions than to follow through. Sometimes, we’re not consistent – but sometimes we just don’t have the right tools to help us reach these goals. So, we’ve rounded up a list of the best items to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions.
December 21, 2023

2023 holiday gift guide: 50 best gifts for him

'Tis the season to show the special guy in your life how much he means to you. Whether it’s your husband or boyfriend, dad or granddad, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, best friend, or some other special relationship, we’ve got you covered. While men are notorious for saying, “No, don’t get me anything,” we think they’ll say “yes” to any of the items on this list. The list is a mixture of practical gifts, and also fun and unusual selections sure to pique their interest.
our picks here
September 27, 2023

60 useful gifts for college students

It can be challenging to find the best gifts for college students. Admittedly, it helps to know their preferences and favorites. However, some gifts are automatically a good idea because they’re practical and functional. Other gifts are a no-brainer because everyone loves them. We’ve included a variety of functional, practical, and fun gifts to help you find something that your college student will love.
gift ideas this way
August 30, 2023

The best items to keep cool while sleeping

Enduring sweltering heat during the day is one thing. Trying to sleep when the temperature remains high at night is another matter altogether. An HVAC unit helps to cool your entire home; however, if you don’t want to run up your energy bill – or you don’t have that particular type of air conditioning system, it can be harder to sleep comfortably. We’ve rounded up some items that can help.
our picks
July 13, 2023

60 best items for your first apartment

Whether you're ditching dorm life, leaving the nest, or experiencing another type of life change, moving into your first apartment can be an exciting time. We’ll admit it can also be overwhelming to figure out what you actually need, what to take or leave, and what will fit in your new space. In addition to the necessities, you’ll also want some fun items, as well as a few things to make life easier. Whether you’re purchasing these items yourself, or compiling a wish list, these are the best items you'll want for your first apartment.
See our picks
June 9, 2023

50+ best Father’s Day gifts for every type of dad

Dads are so unassuming – they do so much for others and expect so little in return. Whether they are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, big brothers, godfathers, or other father figures, Father’s Day is the one day of the year when we can show our gratitude and celebrate them. So why not choose a Father’s Day gift they might actually like and decide to use? We’ve rounded up – and categorized - an assortment of gift ideas that are sure to be appreciated and bring a smile this Father’s Day.
See our guide
May 10, 2023

40 last-minute Mother’s Day gifts

Your mom is unique and that’s why we’re presenting a variety of Mother’s Day gifts to choose from, whether she loves cooking, hates cleaning, or wants to trick out her home office or home entertainment center. We also included some options to help your mom relax – something she probably doesn’t do enough – and gifts that will just make her life easier. And these gifts, all available to purchase online, are also ideal for grandmothers, stepmothers, aunts – as well as wives, daughters, nieces, and friends.
What mom wants
May 2, 2023

50+ must-have items to add to your wedding registry

Marriage means not only sharing lives but also merging lifestyles. A wedding registry is an opportunity to create a wish list of the items you really need or want. They can be practical, stylish, comfortable, fun – basically, anything that you desire. A wedding registry also takes the guesswork out of shopping for wedding gifts, which makes it easier for friends and family members, so you can avoid receiving five toasters or 10 champagne glass sets. We compiled a list of wedding registry ideas that are sure to please every newlywed couple.
Our picks for the newlyweds
March 21, 2023

15 must-have cleaning tools that don’t take up a lot of space

Spring is the perfect time to thoroughly clean all of those areas you’ve neglected during the winter. There are plenty of great tools that can make this chore a lot easier. However, New Yorkers tend not to have a lot of space for storing cleaning tools. But no worries: we found some cool items that don’t take up a lot of space and can be easily stored.
Get cleaning
March 13, 2023

30+ things you need to sleep better

While it can be exciting to live in The City That Never Sleeps, you are not the city, and you do, indeed, need to sleep. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend at least seven hours of sleep per night. A good night’s sleep helps the body to rest and recuperate, and it even positively affects your mental health. However, work and family stress, unhealthy habits – and yes, living in The City That Never Sleeps – can all wreak havoc on your ability to sleep soundly. These are the best items you need to sleep well at night and awake refreshed the next day.
Time to snooze
February 23, 2023

29 things to keep you warm in your apartment this winter

Winters in New York City can be brutal, with even our notoriously hot, steam-heated apartments feeling uncomfortable during a cold snap. Thankfully, there are several ways to stay warm in your home, and we’ve researched the best products to keep you toasty during this frigid season. From thick throw blankets and cozy rugs to a towel warmer, these are the best items to keep you warm all winter long.
Full list ahead
February 8, 2023

50 Valentine’s Day gifts that are not roses and candy

First, let’s dispel a Valentine’s Day gift myth: you really don’t have to buy roses, candy, and lingerie every year. Take this opportunity to get a gift your loved one will really appreciate - and for more than just a few hours or a few days. In fact, with the right long-term gift, they’ll think of your thoughtfulness every time they use that item - and what’s more romantic than that? So, instead of 50 roses, we found 50 great Valentine’s Day Gifts that are both practical and fun.
What to give your Valentine