
August 5, 2016

Vacation at a Glass Cabin in the Woods of Upstate New York for $300/Night

This is a rural retreat like no other. Known as the Sixteen Doors House and designed by the firm Incorporated Architecture & Design, this is a modern cabin made practically transparent by the placement of sixteen doors and windows. Luckily, it's surrounded by six acres of forest in the foothills of the Berkshires so privacy is a non-issue. 6sqft profiled the design project back in 2014; now it's being offered as a vacation rental through Airbnb. For $300 a night, you can have your own tranquil experience at the Sixteen Doors House.
See inside
August 3, 2016

Take a Staycation at This Restored Bungalow in Rockaway Beach

You don't have to leave town if you're looking for a late summer getaway. You could just rent this restored Rockaway Beach bungalow, available on Airbnb for $130 a night. The two-bedroom pad, which the hosts call a "classic old bungalow," fits five guests. Lots of windows and a double-height ceiling mean the space has a lofty vibe, but mostly it's a charming and cozy place to shack up in New York City's surf town.
Take a look around
July 8, 2016

Airbnb Pulls 2,233 Listings Ahead of Illegal Hotel Ad Law

Increasingly the subject of criticism from state legislators and advocacy groups, Airbnb reported Thursday that it had removed 2,223 more listings from the site that may have been illegal hotels under the current law, according to the New York Post. Governor Cuomo may soon sign a bill that would make it illegal to advertise these listings–i.e. those available for fewer than 30 days in buildings with more than three units where the original tenant isn’t present–in deference to claims that these illegal hotels are removing much-needed stock from the pool of available housing for those who need it. 6sqft recently cited a new report claiming that 56 percent of the company's New York City listings were illegal.
Why did all those listings get booted?
June 28, 2016

New Report Says 56 Percent of 2015’s Airbnb Listings Were Illegal

Last week, both houses of the New York City legislature passed a bill that would fine advertisers of illegal short-term rentals on Airbnb up to $7,500. Current state law dictates that an apartment can't be rented out for less than 30 days if the lease holder isn't present. And a new report from two housing advocacy groups -- MFY Legal Services and Housing Conservation Coordinators -- shows that of Airbnb's 51,397 listings in 2015, 28,765, or 56 percent, fell into this illegal camp. Of those, 8,058 units were considered "impact listings," homes that "are rented out for brief periods for more than a third of a year, making them virtual hotels," according to the Post.
More findings
June 21, 2016

Sleep in a Cozy, Converted Taxi in Long Island City for Just $39 a Night

Here's your chance to sleep in a yellow cab without worrying about the meter. A listing has popped up on Airbnb for a "cozy one-of-a-kind NYC taxi van" that's been "renovated into swanky living quarters." This renovation outfitted the vehicle with a full-size bed that comes with soft pillows and bright yellow sheets (how fitting), a portable wireless air conditioner, and, according to the reviews, a couple bottles of Fiji Water. The $39/night price tag also covers the Long Island City location with views of the Manhattan skyline that's walking distance to a bathroom and cafes with WiFi.
Find out more about these unusual accommodations
June 20, 2016

New Bill Adds Penalties of up to $7,500 to Airbnb Laws

The 2010 legislation that forbids some properties from being listed on sites like Airbnb–whole apartments without the original tenant present, for example–was just given more firepower. WSJ reports that both houses of the New York City legislature just passed a bill stating that advertisers of those illegal short term rentals could be smacked with fines of up to $7,500. According to Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, a Manhattan Democrat who sponsored the bill with Staten Island Sen. Andrew Lanza, “This bill will clarify that if you engage in such renting, there will be stiff penalties.”
Who's for it, who's against it
April 14, 2016

Funky Rockaway Houseboat Dubbed ‘Ziggy Stardust’ Now Renting for $850/Night

For $850 a night you could nab a room at the iconic Plaza Hotel or something much, much less traditional: a houseboat in the waters of Far Rockaway owned by a Vermont hipster. That's right, this kooky houseboat, dubbed the Ziggy Stardust, is up for rent at the aforementioned nightly price through Airbnb. It is pretty decked out inside with surfboards, guitars, and pieces of reclaimed driftwood. We'll go out on a limb and say it's one of the most unique places to spend a night in New York City.
Take a tour of the boat
April 6, 2016

Arianna Huffington Wants You In Her Bed

No, really. To herald the the arrival of the media maven’s new book, “The Sleep Revolution,” which addresses the common malaise of not getting enough sleep and how it’s affecting us rather terribly, Arianna Huffington has “turned her bedroom into a sleep sanctuary.” By way of a contest accompanied by an Airbnb listing–with fabulous, full-color photos of the ultra-feminine 158 Mercer Street loft, which she purchased for $8.15 million in 2012–Arianna has invited one lucky winner and a guest to spend a night in her New York City apartment.
What else do I get?
January 28, 2016

NYC Creatives Pimp Out Their Pad on Airbnb With ‘Netflix and Chill’ Theme

With Valentine's Day approaching, the "Netflix and chill" pick-up line is going to be getting a lot of use, but this Airbnb listing takes the meme to a whole new level. New Yorkers Tom Galle, who works in advertising, artist Moises Sanabria, and Alyssa Davis, an engineer who works for Art404, have decked out Sanabria and Davis’s one-bedroom West Village apartment as a “Netflix and Chill” zone and put it on Airbnb for $400/night.
Any takers yet?
August 19, 2015

A Gorgeous Upstate Getaway Dubbed the Mission House Is Asking $1.4 Million

Have you spent the summer dreaming about where you want to escape to in upstate New York? This listing won't make you feel any better. Called the Mission House, it is a beautiful modern mansion located in East Fishkill, a charming town on the southern border of Dutchess County, New York. The house itself is gorgeous, with stunning landscaping, modern design, and tons of space. Get this: the house covers 4,000 square feet, with an additional 2,400 square feet of decks. Of course, it isn't cheap, but you'll still get more bang for your buck up here than down in Manhattan—for the whole mansion, the asking price is $1.4 million, cheaper than many NYC apartments. (And keep reading for a way to stay here without forking over all that cash.)
Take a tour
July 29, 2015

Airbnb Is Gobbling Up 20 Percent of Apartments in Popular Manhattan and Brooklyn Neighborhoods

As if it wasn't challenging enough to find a reasonable apartment in New York City, Airbnb is now taking up 20 percent of available units in popular Manhattan and Brooklyn zip codes, reports the Daily News. According to a study from New York Communities for Change and Real Affordability For All, the East Village is the most affected, with 28 percent of its apartments being rented as illegal hotel rooms on Airbnb. Additionally, the 20 most popular neighborhoods on the room sharing site "have lost 10% of their available housing units to Airbnb."
Find out more here
July 6, 2015

VIDEO: Airbnb Is Just a Charity for Struggling Real Estate Moguls, Says New Ad

The city's fight against Airbnb continues to rage on, and this latest video created by ShareBetter jabs at the home-sharing company's gross neglect when it comes to preserving much-needed affordable housing. Satirically dubbed "Save the Moguls," the 60-second spot likens the multi-billion dollar powerhouse to a charity trying to being relief to the anguish that real estate bigwigs face when it comes to sustaining their extravagant lifestyles. "What would you do if you saw a real estate mogul right in front of you, all alone, clearly suffering?" the video posits. "They need your help to keep the sharing economy alive. By renting out just one of the hundreds of apartments and homes they've listed on Airbnb, you can join the fight against affordable housing."
Watch the video here
June 30, 2015

New Map Plots Every Airbnb Listing in NYC

"Adding data to the debate" is the tagline of this new interactive map called Inside Airbnb, which has plotted all listings as of June 1st from the popular room-sharing website. The searchable bird's eye map was created by Bed Stuy photographer Murray Cox to show "how Airbnb is being used to compete with the residential housing market" in cities around the world (h/t Gothamist). In addition to looking at the trend across the city as a whole, the map allows users to zoom into a specific neighborhood and look at how an Airbnb presence has changed in a given area over the past few years.
Learn more about the map
March 30, 2015

Airbnb Continues to Thrive Even as New York City Wages Battle

The city and the hotel industry have been waging war against Airbnb since last September in an effort to both preserve affordable housing and to protect hotel operators throughout the city. Though millions of dollars have been spent by both parties campaigning for change, apart from a couple of rulings ousting affordable renters for putting their apartments on the home-sharing site, not much has changed. Airbnb has failed to sway lawmakers, and the group leading the anti-Airbnb movement, ShareBetter, has only kept Airbnb from changing a state law that prohibits tenants in buildings with three or more units from renting out their home for short stays. In fact, according to Crain's, Airbnb is thriving in NYC with now more than 27,000 rooms and apartments on its site.
Find out more here
February 27, 2015

City Council Proposes New Law That Would Allow Tenants to Sue Landlords for Using Airbnb

One week ago we learned of the landmark ruling to evict a rent-stabilized tenant from his ultra-luxe 450 West 42nd Street building for listing the unit on Airbnb for nearly triple what he was paying, a show of just how serious the city is about the issue. Now they're getting even more aggressive, as two City Council members want to pass a new law that would let tenants sue their landlords for renting out neighboring apartments as illegal hotels through Airbnb.
More details ahead
February 20, 2015

Rent-Stabilized Tenant Gets Evicted for Listing His Apartment on Airbnb in a Landmark Decision

If you were questioning how truly serious the city is about its beef against Airbnb, look no further than this landmark ruling to evict a rent-stabilized tenant from his ultra-luxe 450 West 42nd Street building. The Post reports that Henry Ikezi was just given the boot by a Manhattan Housing Court judge for posting his 46th-floor Hell's Kitchen apartment on the site for $649 per night, about triple what he was paying at $6,670 per month. The home's market value is upwards of $9,000.
More on the landmark case here
February 11, 2015

New Research Shows More Than 58 Percent of NYC Airbnb Listings Possibly Illegal

Airbnb has been under constant scrutiny in recent months, whether for its potential threat to the affordable housing market or the fallout for bed and breakfasts forced to shutter in the wake of the battle. Now, new research from Capital New York shows that more than 58 percent of New York City's Airbnb listings could be illegal, as they are for "entire apartments or houses, meaning no one else would be present during a stay." According to a state multiple dwelling law that was introduced in 2010, it's illegal to lease homes (excluding one- and two-family homes) for less than 30 days when the owner or tenant isn't present. But Capital found that of the 15,977 apartments listings on Airbnb, only one cites a requirement for a stay longer than a month. While the data isn't conclusive on how many listings could be exempt from the law, more than 10,000 listings are in Manhattan where single-family residences are less likely.
More on the findings ahead
February 4, 2015

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em Join ‘Em: Hotels Attempt to Emulate Airbnb Amidst Competition

As the city's war against Airbnb rages on, hotels and bed and breakfasts across the city continue to see their guest numbers drop. But the decrease isn't necessarily due to the lower costs of Airbnb rentals (although we certainly wouldn't discount it) but the fact that visitors to our fair city are looking for an authentic New York experience. DNA Info reports that new hotels across the city are looking to recreate the "real experience" of staying in New York by channelling a "more urban" atmosphere with cool perks—bars amongst them—that lure local residents within their towering walls to hang with their guests.
December 24, 2014

Manhattan Bed and Breakfasts Are Forced to Close in the Wake of the Airbnb Battle

We've already taken a close look at how controversial room-sharing startup Airbnb is accused of depleting the already-scarce affordable housing stock in the city, but a new type of fallout is also underway. Thanks to legislation enforced in 2011 that sought to eliminate short-term rentals and illegal hotels in residential or SRO buildings, many legal bed and breakfast owners are being forced to shut their doors.
Read about the issue here
December 2, 2014

You Can Now Tour Gramercy Park Without a Key, Thanks to Airbnb and Google Maps

For the vast majority of New Yorkers, the closest look they've gotten into Gramercy Park is peering through the perimeter wrought iron gates. As one of the most elite and inaccessible outdoor spaces in the city, only those who live in dwellings circling the park have keyed access via an annual fee. That is, until now. Thanks to a rule-breaking Airbnb-er, the world can now revel in the verdant splendor that is Gramercy Park.
Find out how this guy got all the snaps
November 15, 2014

Weekly Highlights: Top Picks from the 6sqft Staff

Is Airbnb as good for NYC as they say it is, or is it threatening affordable housing? We dissect the controversy. In our third installment of NYC’s skyscraper boom we take a look at unreleased plans on the drawing boards, office and hotel projects rising throughout the city, and the development boom occurring in Jersey City There’s neuroscientific […]

November 10, 2014

Home and Away: Is Airbnb a Threat to the Affordable Housing Market?

Controversial room-sharing startup Airbnb, one of the most visible players in what is being called the “sharing economy,” has recently awakened the innovation vs. regulation argument in all the usual ways–and a few new ones, including the accusation that these short-term rentals are depleting the already-scarce affordable housing stock in pricey metro areas like San Francisco and New York City.
What the latest data reveals–and what's being done about it
June 18, 2014

Your Daily Link Fix: Modern Marble Accents for Your Home; Herzog & de Meuron Designing Chrystie Street Hotel

Brick Single-Family on Clinton Hill Progressing Quickly: The Brownstoner has an update on the construction at 218 Greene Avenue, and it’s moving pretty quickly. Modern Marble Accents for Your Home: The Observer schools us on the new way to incorporate marble while showcasing ten of their marble picks. iMakr 3D Printing Company Moves to the […]