Greenpoint creative hub gets a funky clay factory from design collective Assemble
Find out more about the project here
There was no lazing on the beach or barbecuing in the backyard for Belvy Klein and Aaron Broudo over Labor Day weekend. The duo behind Brooklyn Bazaar were busy finishing the fourth incarnation of the late-night market-meets-entertainment mecca, which opens this evening in Greenpoint. Opening night will be a massive affair, headlined by indie rockers Clap […]
Since Greenpoint started to attract displaced Manhattanites in the early 1990s, the cost of renting in the neighborhood and nearby Williamsburg has shot up a staggering 78.7 percent. According to a 2015 study published by NYU’s Furman Center, Greenpoint/Williamsburg is the most rapidly gentrifying neighborhood in New York City. What many newcomers don’t realize is that […]