July 31, 2017
Earlier this year, 6sqft shared data from the Department of Transportation that found daily Citi Bike ridership had grown 80 percent from 2010 to 2015, and now, according to new information published in the Times, those figures have ballooned even more. Last Wednesday was "the highest single-day ridership of any system in the Western world outside of Paris," reports the bike share program, with a staggering 70,286 trips. These figures are part of an overall bike-centric trend in the city that "has outpaced population and employment growth" with New Yorkers taking an average of 450,000 daily bike trips, exponentially higher than the 2005 average of 170,000. And about one-fifth of these trips is by commuters, making New York home to more bike commuters than any other city in the country.
More details ahead