
December 4, 2014

Walk This Way: How Observant Jews Shop for Real Estate with the Torah in Mind

Certain neighborhoods are becoming increasingly sought after by observant Jews—but in keeping with what is written in the Torah, apartment hunting can be a formidable undertaking. Observant Jews not only have to deal with New York City’s low vacancy rate but they need to find a home that, most importantly, is within walking distance to shul (synagogue) from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday and some Jewish holidays—owing to the fact that Sabbath obligations, of which there are a lot, do not allow one to drive a car. It goes against what’s written in the Torah to start or extinguish fires during the Sabbath, and, well, cars burn fuel. And by the way, this also means cooking only one, single, solitary item.
Find out more here
October 9, 2014

Sukkot Architecture: New York City’s Sukkahs Come in All Shapes, Sizes, and Locations

The Jewish holiday Sukkot, which began on Wednesday evening, has architecture, construction, and design built into the festival. To observe the holiday, Jews around the world build and decorate temporary "booths" known as sukkahs, and spend Sukkot's eight days eating meals with friends and family inside them. Depending on one's level of observance, some individuals sleep in them as well. When it comes to sukkahs in New York, where backyards are few and far between, institutions and individuals take advantage of the space available to them. This includes having sukkahs in parks or courtyards, on roofs and balconies, and even on the sidewalk dining area of a restaurant. We wanted to highlight a few of the city's sukkahs with particular interest to either their location, design, or both.
See sukkahs we've spotted around the city