Fill Your Home with the Scent of ‘Hot Garbage Radiance’ and Other Summertime City Fragrances

© Mashable, Vicky Leta
Before you get too excited (which we really hope you’re not), let us tell you that these candles don’t actually exist. They’re a funny series from Mashable that parodies the stench of the city during a season when pleasant candle scents like “ocean breeze” and “fresh-cut peonies” take over shelves.
While NYC doesn’t generally smell like roses, the heat and humidity do a fine job at intensifying all of the gag-inducing odors one encounters while navigating a typical day. Candle scents illustrated here include Underfed Alley Cat Seduction, Eau du Subway Passenger, Rotting Produce, Formerly Fresh Baked Pizza, and a Gentle Gust of Garbage Truck, among some even more horrendous offenders.
[Via Mashable]
All images © Mashable, Vicky Leta