It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, No… It’s Sebastian Errazuriz’s Giant Golden Cow Piñata!

Undeniably, there is much symbolism attached to artist designer Sebastian Errazuriz’s giant golden cow piñata on display in Industry City in conjunction with NYCxDESIGN, New York City’s official citywide celebration of – you guessed it – design.
One look at the suspended shimmering beast and you’re likely to be reminded of the infamous golden calf Bible story about idolatry (Exodus 32:1–6, if you’re interested) or notice its uncanny resemblance to Wall Street’s iconic charging bull.
But let’s just take a moment to simply enjoy the pure fun of it all, because while art is often a powerful way to send a message, it is equally powerful in its ability to bring joy into our lives.
So let’s say this again: it’s a GIANT GOLDEN COW PINATA suspended between buildings!!!! How cool is that????
And to mark tomorrow’s close of NYCxDESIGN’s, a group of lucky young designers will have a chance to break open this oversized birthday party staple armed with what we can only assume will be equally oversized sticks, for a chance to fill their party bags not with candy – but with some of the one thousand dollar bills stuffed inside! (Now that’s a party we’d like to be invited to!)
The artist and his creation
The symbolism of smashing open a gigantic golden cash-filled cow isn’t lost on us, but if you’ve ever seen a bunch of 8-year olds have at it on a Sponge Bob-shaped piñata, we’re hoping the thought of a bunch of grown-ups doing the same will elicit a chuckle from even the most cynical among us.
You can see more of Mr. Errazuriz’s work by visiting his official website.
[Via designboom]
Images courtesy of Sebastian Errazuriz