Throw Your Crap in the Gap of Line Depping’s Table

Computers, phones, paper, books, pens, lamps, keys, food, hot drinks… We use tables for so many different reasons and they’re usually flooded with stuff. But what happens when you have unexpected guests or if you just need to quickly clear a space? The clever ‘Borrod’ by Line Depping is designed specifically for that. Now you can magically hide everything sitting on your tabletop by simply pushing all that crap into the gap!
“In everyday life we always try to follow certain norms, have tidy homes for example, but often we feel a hint of bad conscience because we are not perfect as people,” said Danish designer Line Depping. “So why this quest for the impossible? My table allows our irrational chaotic lives to rule and by that showing that life can be perfect in its imperfection.”
So how does it work? The storage-friendly ‘Borrod’ table has a tabletop that slides open in the middle, allowing you to hide all your goods in the yellow gap at the center. The flexible gap also provides a useful and discreet storage compartment for computer cables and the like.
See more of Line Depping’s clever creations can be seen here.
Photos courtesy Line Depping