432 Park Gets Residents-Only Restaurant; Don’t Be Skeeved Out By City Pools

July 19, 2016
  • Michelin-starred chef Shaun Hergatt is opening a restaurant on the 40th floor of 432 Park Avenue, but only residents and their guests can dine there. [Grub Street]
  • Funky Rockaway houseboat dubbed Ziggy Stardust was sunk by unruly Airbnb guests over the weekend. [Gothamist]
  • The Mayor is running the city from his gym in Park Slope. [NYT]
  • A lab analysis of water samples from seven city pools, both public and private, find that they’re actually a lot cleaner than you’d think. [NYP]
  • Tour Birchbox’s Nomad offices, complete with swings, candy machines, and lots of lawn gnomes. [Business Insider]

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