The Correlation Between Trees and Neighborhood Wealth; Vinegar Hill Townhouse Breaks Sales Record
- The amount of trees a neighborhood has can signal income inequality. [CityLab]
- This Vinegar Hill townhouse previously eyed by Robert Pattinson has sold for a neighborhood record of $3.35M. [DNA Info]
- United American Land is suing an investment banker for renting out his rent-stabilized Tribeca apartment on Airbnb. [CO]
- Is this Bates+Masi-designed beach house too tiny for its $1.55M price tag? [Curbed]
- Related Companies’ Carnegie Park was the top-selling building in the first quarter 2015. [6sqft inbox]
- Though the beloved Pearl River Mart will shutter its three-story Soho shop, the owners are looking to open a new shop elsewhere, possibly on the fourth floor of the same building. [Crain’s]
- Watch Bryant Park go from winter to spring in this time-lapse video. [WSJ]
Images: Trees via Wiki Commons (L); 69 Gold Street, Vinegar Hill townhouse (R)