A New York Minute With Architect Andre Kikoski

Last month, 6sqft kicked off a fun new series called A New York Minute, where we ask influential New Yorkers spitfire (and sometimes very random) questions about their life in the big city. Want to nominate yourself or someone you know? Get in touch!
When 6sqft last heard from Andre Kikoski, he was itching to fly off to Niseko, Japan with his son for a ski trip; but it looks like the vacation may be on hold. Andre heads his own architecture firm, Andre Kikoski Architect, where they are currently working on a Nolita condo at 75 Kenmare, due to open in 2017. He’s been living in Manhattan since 1995, making his way uptown from the Lower East Side to the Upper East Side. 6sqft shot him a few questions to find out more about his own New York experience.
6sqft: Where was your first apartment in the city?
Andre: Sullivan and Houston, over a bar, not far from where I work now. Maybe I’m a downtown guy, maybe I’m regressing. It’s all come full circle.
What is your preferred mode of transportation: Subway, bus, bike or taxi?
Andre: I just got a dog, so I’ve been taking Uber. Even though Zoe is the cutest thing, I think I got down-graded because of her.
Worst apartment or roommate horror story?
Andre: We bought Barnett Newman’s painting studio as a loft. The elevator broke the day after we moved in, and stayed broken until the week we moved out.
Who are three people that make NYC a better and more interesting place?
Andre: Michael Bloomberg, David van der Leer, and Stephen Ross.
What part of the city have you not spent much time in but would like to?
Andre: Chinatown.