Brooklyn entrepreneur launches next-day delivery service in Park Slope as challenge to Amazon

Via CityRealty
With the tremendous growth of Amazon, valued this week at one trillion dollars for the first time, local businesses and brick-and-mortar shops are having to think outside of the box to entice customers. An entrepreneur from Brooklyn is hoping to directly challenge Amazon by launching his own e-commerce and next-day delivery service (h/t Bloomberg). This month, Peter Price, a 78-year-old New Yorker who formerly served as the president of Liberty Cable, will roll out a trial service in Park Slope called EMain, which will allow local stores to post deals online and deliver items the following day for free.
On Sept. 20, a 12-week trial service featuring 60 businesses will begin in the Brooklyn neighborhood. The stores would eventually pay a subscription service fee between $50 and $100 weekly.
The business would work with the U.S. Postal Service, which would oversee the delivery to customers. According to Price, local chambers of commerce would also be a part of the process to embolden businesses to join the service.
Price does have support from major investors, including Ivan Seidenberg, former CEO of Verizon, and Nick Nicholas, the former CEO of Time Warner Inc. If the service does well in Brooklyn, it could run nationwide in the future.
“I really believe it will resonate on main streets around the country,” Price told Bloomberg. He added: “People are guilty about abandoning Main Street and going to Amazon. This is something new: Shop local, support your community.”
[Via Bloomberg]