Chelsea’s Walker Tower Finally Getting Its Finishing Touches

One of our intrepid reports stopped by the Walker Tower earlier today to check out how things are coming along at the 212 West 18th Street landmark. The tower — which has drawn buyers ranging from Cameron Diaz to Mike Thorne (that guy who discovered the Sex Pistols) — had its scaffolding removed just seven months ago and has already set new sales records for Downtown Manhattan (this includes an impressive $50.9 million deal for the 6,000-square-foot 5BR/5.5BA penthouse).
The conversion of the former Verizon building into luxury condos has been underway since 2011, but word is that construction on the interior will be wrapped up in the coming weeks. Let’s take a look at what’s been completed so far.
The penthouse terrace.
The tower lobby.
Inside a bedroom of one of the units.
Hall and bathroom.
How things look from our Chelsea office.