Civil rights map is a celebration of social justice history in NYC

With a new president entering the White House this month, there is a lot of uncertainty in the air, particularly when it comes to the rights of minority groups in the U.S. In light of these tumultuous times, the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation (GVSHP) has created an interactive map that highlights, and celebrates, the fight for social justice that’s taken place in and around the East, West and Greenwich Villages. The map tool covers more than 100 locations, each signifying a site where African Americans, women, immigrants, Latinos and the LGBT community have fought for equality and representation over the centuries.
Included are well-known locales such as The Stonewall Inn and the former NAACP headquarters where the iconic “A Man Was Lynched Yesterday” flag flew, as well as the homes of activists and pioneers like Margaret Sanger, Emma Goldman, Lorraine Hansberry, Allan Ginsberg, and James Baldwin. Also noted are various churches, venues and meeting-points that played a role in bringing change to the forefront. Moreover, each pin provides a bit of information on why it is historically significant.
GVSHP invites users to submit additional sites (with documentation; you can send those to [email protected]) and will update the map regularly.
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