Daily Link Fix: Finding Peace and Quiet in NYC; In-Store 3D-Printed Earphones Customized for Your Ear

August 11, 2014
  • Finding A Quiet Respite In The Loud, Busy City: As part of Narratively and WNYC’s “My Secret New York Sanctuary,” one New Yorker shares her secret place to recharge and think when things in the city get a bit too hectic.
  • Submit Your Birdhouse Design To NEST: Calling all architects and designers! NEST is looking for your most creative bird-friendly home for their upcoming gallery exhibition and auction. If the design sells, the designer can receive up to 50% of the sold price.
  • Baltimore Bus Stop Spells Out “Bus”: If you’ve ever had trouble finding the bus stop in NYC, maybe we should try to get this extremely literal sign that popped up in Baltimore last month. City Lab reports each letter can accommodate up to four people either laying down, sitting or standing.
  • Earbuds That Are Customized To Your Ear: New Yorkers need more from earbuds than a “universal ear.” We need ones that withstand crowded trains, “showtime,” awkward moments when your eyes meet someone else’s and when people come through the car panhandling. Cool Hunting featured Normal, an NYC-based company that provides in-store (or remote) scanning  for 3D-printed, premium sounding earbuds made specially for your “earhole.”

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