Daily Link Fix: Floating Pool Could Happen Soon; Toxic Gowanus Canal Is Quite Photogenic

- Slate sits down with Jake Dell, the 27-year-old heir to Katz’s Delicatessen, to talk about how the world-famous establishment has stayed in business against the odds.
- The floating +Pool proposed for the East River is closer to realty than you think. More on Dwell.
- Should we call it pollution photography? Business Insider showcases strikingly beautiful photos of the Gowanus Canal, one of the most toxic areas in the world.
- Untapped Cities has the ten previous incarnations of the NYC Marathon. Did you know the first marathon in the city took place in 1907 in Yonkers?
- This split-screen video compares New York and Paris, and it’s pretty cool. Check it out on Fubiz.
Images: +Pool (L); Gowanus Canal via Steven Hirsch (R)