Daily Link Fix: New Subway Ads Encourage Volunteer Work; Why There Are No Cabs When It Rains

October 20, 2014
  • “If you see something, do something” takes on a new meaning. The city is launching a subway ad campaign encouraging New Yorkers to do more volunteer work, according to the Daily News.
  • Scouting New York maps out locations of famous NYC sitcoms.
  • In the 19th century, the city had a system of bells to alert officials of fires. Christopher Gray dives into the history in his Streetscapes column in the Times.
  • Business Insider takes a tour of the Gowanus office of the startup Farmigo, and it looks like a giant jungle gym for adults.
  • Hmmm…apparently there’s some scientific reasoning behind why we can’t ever seem to get a cab when it’s pouring out. More on CityLab.

Images: Volunteer ad, via NYC Service (L); Hailing a taxi in the rain via FLYJughead via photopin cc

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