Daily Link Fix: Stay Active and Keep Your Phone Charged with Cycling Bike; Spray Can Cake Batter (Yes, Really)

- Iron Man Suits Make A Debut In South Korean Shipyards: Super strength suits are no longer just for those Marvel films. New Scientist reports that engineers in South Korea have built an exoskeleton that shipyard workers can use to lift up to 66 pounds.
- Cycle While You Work: Because standing desks are boring and treadmill desks are an eyesore. FastCo.Design highlights WeWatt’s cycling desk that helps you stay fit, improves work ethic, and charges your smartphone!
- Yummy Cake…From A Spray Can: Solving the real problems of life, two Harvard students have created a sprayable, microwaveable cake batter for easy baking without the mess. One of the students revealed to the Washington Post that ultimately they want an “organic and kosher certified” product. We’re not exactly sure if you can get that from “food” in a can.
- No Longer Able To Keep Up With The Joneses: The hard truth is that poverty exists and is growing in the suburbs. Slate reports that high poverty started to become more concentrated in suburban neighborhoods since the early 2000s.
Images: Left – Cycling Desk from WeWatt’s Facebook page; right – Spray Cake courtesy of John McCallum and Brooke Nowakowski for the Washington Post