Daily Link Fix: Where to Get Your Halloween Fix All Year Long; The City’s Charming One-Block Streets

- Metro New York rounds up spooky spots in NYC where it’s Halloween all year.
- And Curbed has a list of city sites that have been turned into houses of horror courtesy of Hollywood.
- A new website can tell you about yourself based on your zip code, and it’s pretty accurate. More on Business Insider.
- Have you ever been walking around and seen a super tiny door affixed to a tree, light post, or wall? Well, they’re called Fairy Doors, and Apartment Therapy has the scoop.
- Untapped Cities uncovers six underground vaults around the city.
- Short and sweet: The Times takes a look at New York’s charming, one-block streets.
Images: Green Wood Cemetery via lostinbrooklyn via photopin cc (L); Gay Street via aurélien. via photopin cc(R)