Explore ‘faces and voices’ of Manhattan storefronts with new exhibit from James and Karla Murray

July 27, 2018

Whether it’s their photography from our My Sqft series, images from their best-selling Storefront books or their most recent “Mom-and-Pops” life-size installation in Seward Park, chances are you’ve already admired the work of Karla and James Murray. And now there’s an opportunity to further appreciate their work and the work of those they have mentored. Earlier this year, James and Karla hosted two, two-session workshops, which taught the art of capturing New York City storefronts. Starting August 1, the workshop’s participants will show off their photos at the Jefferson Market Library’s Little Underground Gallery. Celebrate with them during a free opening reception for the exhibit next Friday, August 3 from 5 pm to 7 pm.

The workshop, “Capturing the Faces and Voices of Manhattan’s Neighborhood Storefronts,” taught participants how photography and oral history can be tools for public awareness and advocacy. The program, according to the photographers, explains the significance of mom-and-pop stores in Manhattan and “the impact they have on the pulse, life and texture of their communities.”

During Friday’s opening reception, enjoy free refreshments, cookies from Veniero’s Pasticceria, cheese from Murray’s Cheese, assorted candy from Economy Candy, cold brew coffee from Joe Coffee and chocolates from See’s Candies.

Find out more about the free event and register here.


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