For the ninth consecutive year, Dunkin’ Donuts ranks as NYC’s largest national retailer

December 28, 2017

Dunkin’ Donuts, photo courtesy of Robert S on Flickr

New Yorkers really do run on Dunkin’. According to a report from the Center for an Urban Future, beloved national coffee and donut chain, Dunkin’ Donuts, has the most stores of any chain in New York City, with 612 stores total, a net increase of 16 stores in 2016 and 271 stores since 2008. In their tenth annual ranking, CUF’s report found that the number of national retailers in the city increased by 1.8 percent from last year, with food retailers and restaurants showing the strongest growth. New to the list and ranking second is cell-phone store MetroPCS, which now has 445 stores citywide, adding a whopping 119 locations in the past year. Following Dunkin’, Subway is the most popular fast-food chain in each of the boroughs, with a total 317 stores.

Fast-casual dining chain restaurants have experienced a significant boost over the last decade, with a 105 percent increase in the number of stores. The number of fast-food restaurants grew from 1,107 to 1,261. Coffee is still king in NYC; there are now 952 chain coffee shops, an increase of 65 percent from ten years ago. Since 2008, Dunkin’ Donuts alone grew 79 percent.

The report also found that many clothing, electronic or shoe stores that face competition from online retailers have experienced the largest change. About one-fifth of all chains in NYC closed locations in the past year, with three that closed all city locations: Second Time Around, American Apparel and Bally Total Fitness.

Electronic stores have also taken a hit over the past decade, with just half as many stores open today than in 2008. Radio Shack, following its bankruptcy, downsized greatly with just three stores left from 116 in 2008. But cell phone stores have taken over the electronic market, adding 621 stores in ten years. MetroPCS experienced the largest jump, from seven locations in 2008 to 445 this year– a 267 percent jump. T-mobile, which merged with MetroPCS in 2013, also experienced a healthy increase, and now has 236 stores citywide.

Read the full CUF’s State of the Chains, 2017 report here.


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  1. J

    I once saw during a cold winter night, employees dumping trays full of donuts on this large garbage can at their Fordham Rd. store in the Bronx. It was closing time so I guess that was whatever they weren’t able to sell that day. Always wondered whether they aren’t allowed to donate them to churches and homeless shelters in the neighborhood instead.