IDNYC adds eight new benefits for 2018

Three years ago, IDNYC‘s benefits included mostly free or discounted membership to museums and cultural institutions, but now that the ID card is entering its fourth year, it’s adding some more entertainment-based perks. A press release from the Mayor’s office announced that the 1.2 million cardholders (it’s the largest local identification program in the nation) will receive benefits from eight new partners in 2018, including Zipcar, Chelsea Piers Golf Club, Entertainment Cruises, and the SculptureCenter.
IDNYC was initially introduced in 2015 by Mayor de Blasio and Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito as a way to “give everyone equal access to all the services and cultural offerings that come with living in New York,” particularly those who may otherwise have a difficult time obtaining a government-issued ID, such as the homeless, youth, elderly, undocumented immigrants, and the formerly incarcerated. To that end, the ID serves as a library card and can be used to open a bank or credit account.
“IDNYC keeps getting better and better, with an ever-expanding list of family-friendly benefits,” said Mayor de Blasio. “The free card not only serves as identification that can be used to get vital health documents and access city services, but it is also a passport to explore our world-class cultural institutions. This expansion demonstrates the City’s ongoing commitment to continually improve this already vital resource for New Yorkers.”
The list of new 2018 benefit partners is:
- Aviator Sports and Events Center
- Chelsea Piers Golf Club
- Chelsea Piers Sky Rink
- Entertainment Cruises
- International Print Center
- King Manor
- SculptureCenter
- SoHo Playhouse
- Zipcar
They join a long list of remaining partners including the American Museum of Natural History, Central Park Zoo, Metropolitan Opera, and MoMA. See the full list of benefits here, and learn how to apply for IDNYC here.