Learn How to Speak New York with This Fun New Web Tool

Kosciuszko? Joralemon? Schermerhorn?
If seeing these words leaves you red-faced and scratching your head, you can finally breathe easy knowing you’ll no longer have to mumble “Shemer-hhhhherzz” into the phone when trying to give directions to your buddy. Popular radio heads such as NPR’s Brian Lehrer, Amy Eddings of “All Things Considered” and news host Richard Hake lend their voices to a brand new WNYC-developed web app designed to teach even the most seasoned New Yorker how to pronounce all those mind-bending names marking our streets. Bonus: Learn how to pronounce “George Pataki.”
[Via Untapped Cities]
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If these WNYC folks are so smart, why do I consistently hear news reports on 93.9 FM in which reporters mispronounce names from the NY metro area, and the outlying regions? As in “GROW-ton”, CT? “cuh-CHOG”? Doesn’t anyone proof the copy before it’s read on-air? Seriously…
I moved to Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn in 1988. I was hopeless, I thought Joralemon was Jor-a-lemon