Lottery opens for 40 affordable units across Central Harlem, starting at $822/month

January 27, 2017

Second to the Bronx, Central Harlem has seen perhaps the most new affordable housing opportunities in the city. The latest is a 40-unit lottery spread across four buildings near Jackie Robinson Park–304 West 152nd Street, 232 West 149th Street, 2797 Frederick Douglass Boulevard, and 2472 Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Boulevard. The units are available to those earning 50 or 60 percent of the area media income and range from $822/month studios to $1,371/month four-bedrooms.


The buildings were renovated through West Harlem Group Assistance, Inc. (WHGA), “a community based development corporation [that] was established in 1971 to revitalize the under-invested West and Central Harlem communities riddled with dilapidated and abandoned buildings.” Since these neighborhoods have seen a great deal of economic growth in recent years, WHGA now also focuses on small business development, homeownership, and supportive programs for those facing displacement.


Qualifying New Yorkers can apply for the affordable units starting Monday, January 30 until March 31, 2017. Residents of Manhattan Community Board 10 will be given preference for 50 percent of the units. Complete details on how to apply are available here (pdf). Questions regarding this offer must be referred to NYC’s Housing Connect department by dialing 311.

Use 6sqft’s map below to find even more ongoing housing lotteries.

If you don’t qualify for the housing lotteries mentioned, visit’s no-fee rentals page for other apartment deals in the city.


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