Molekule: The first air purifier to use nano-technology to destroy indoor pollutants

Spending time outdoors is a beautiful thing, however, Americans on average spend 90 percent of their time indoors. What’s more is that the air we breathe inside can be five times more polluted than what’s outside. Indeed, indoor air can harbor everything from pollen to pet dander and dust, to more harmful things like mold, bacteria and viruses. While plenty of air filters have been designed to catch these pollutants, none of them have the ability to eliminate them—until now. Molekule is being called the first “molecular” air purifier, and it uses nano-technology to completely eliminate airborne contaminants.
Molekule’s aggressive approach harnesses a technology called Photo Electrochemical Oxidation, or PECO. When air passes through the unit, a non-coated filter is activated and pollutants are broken down on a molecular level into harmless elements. Molekule’s makers tout that PECO has the ability destroy pollutants up to 1000 times smaller than what a HEPA filter is capable of catching. Plus, the unit is equipped with a 360-degree intake valve that is able to collect pollutants from all sides, while simultaneously projecting air across an entire room.
The unit is also extremely quiet, especially when compared to other purifiers, and extremely efficient. For example, air in a 600-square-foot room is replaced twice in one hour. Moreover, a machined aluminum finish and a simple yet elegant design makes it suitable for any home decor.
The company recently went public and they’ve already sold out of their first, second and third batches of production. But if you want one of your own, you can get on the waiting list on their website.
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A new kickstarter is offering a new PCO technology that ups Molekule! No need to pay $100 a year for filters.