New Rendering Shows Isay Weinfeld’s Jardim High Line Condos 

May 15, 2015

As the construction boom along the High Line continues, new renderings have surfaced (via Curbed) for the condo development designed by highly acclaimed Brazilian architect Isay Weinfeld. Developed by Harlan Berger’s Centaur Properties and Greyscale Development Group, the new project, called â€śJardim” (Portuguese for garden), will occupy the site at 525 West 25th Street between 10th and 11th Avenues.

Jardim, Isay Weinfeld, West Chelsea, High Line condos, New York starchitecture, Brazillian architecture

Our earlier reports on the building penned by the SĂŁo Paulo-born designer showed the only glimpse we’ve had of his West Chelsea project, by way of the building’s teaser website, which was a rendering of a cavernous through-block entry and driveway, and a zoning diagram posted on the site’s construction fence.

Jardim, Isay Weinfeld, West Chelsea, High Line condos, New York starchitecture, Brazillian architecture

The project’s developers have landed $115 million in financing for the project, which, by the rendering, will be two 11-story buildings, distinct but different from one another, holding 36 apartments, 12,000 square feet of retail and parking. Slated to finish in fall of 2016, additional amenities will include a garden, indoor swimming pool, fitness center, massage room, children’s play area and personal storage. Follow news on the building from CityRealty.

[TRD via Curbed]


Lead image via Curbed.

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