Official NYC dog name map reveals most popular pooch names by neighborhood

There’s almost no end to the amount of information you can find out about folks in your neighborhood, from two-legged to four, right down to which streets harbor the biggest poop non-scoopers. Now you can find out what name your neighbor’s pet is likely to answer to (h/t Brick Underground): A newly-released official NYC dog name map shows the city’s most popular dog names as well as the most common names unique to each neighborhood, based on 2016 registered dog license data.
Looking at the neighborhood-by-neighborhood map above, we can see that Shaggy‘s a hit in Crown Heights North. Bianca is still the top dog in Studio 54 country. Nellie, Maxwell, and Theodore fit right in on the Upper East Side, as does the boho-chic Bebe in the East Village and somehow Mabel does seem very Park Slope. Bowie is the top dog in Williamsburg, and Staten Island is sweet on Baci.
There’s also a searchable bubble chart of the most popular options citywide. Currently in Vogue city-wide are Max, Bella, Lola, Charlie and Coco. Speaking of bubbles, for the record, there are four registered Donalds, six who answer to Hillary–and 46 Bernies.
[Via BU]