POLL: Will construction begin on a new Port Authority bus terminal by 2021?

After stalling repeatedly over design disagreements, budget woes, and funding squabbles, NJ.com reports that The Port Authority said it hopes to have a new midtown Manhattan bus terminal built in New York by 2030, shovels in the ground by 2021 and be “well underway” by 2026. Though some lawmakers expressed doubt about the ambitious schedule, Steven P. Plate, Port Authority chief of major projects, said at a Legislative Oversight Committee joint hearing about the agency’s $32 billion revised capital plan, “We will have full environmental approval, permits in place and construction well underway” according to that timeline.
In September the Port Authority released five design proposals for a new building. But local NYC politicians have expressed displeasure with John Degnan, the Port Authority’s New Jersey-appointed chairman, for persuing those existing design proposals instead of considering what they feel will be a more realistic approach.
Port Authority officials estimate a new bus terminal could cost between $7.5 billion and $10 billion to build. Governor Cuomo’s office announced this week that New York would be committing approximately one-third of the funding for a new bus terminal toward the Port Authority’s $32 billion 10-year (2017-2026) capital plan. Do you think this timeline is asking too much, too soon?
Port Authority Bus Terminal design proposals, via Perkins Eastman (top) and Hudson Terminal Center Collaborative (bottom)
[Via NJ.com]