Relatives Now Allowed to Visit Mass Graves on Hart Island; How the Lowline Will Capture Sunlight

- Hart Island, the largest tax-funded cemetery in the world, which holds over one million unclaimed bodies, will now allow relatives to visit graves. [NYT]
- Chatting with the owners of 121 Charles Street, who moved their little country home in 1967 from Yorkville all the way to Greenwich Village, where it remains today. [Off the Grid]
- Here’s the details on how the Lowline, NYC’s first underground park, will let sunlight in. [Fast Co. Design]
- Mixing New York and Paris in old photographs. [Fubiz]
- Puphaus is a an architecturally inspired dog house created by two Atlanta designers. [Contemporist]
Images: Burial sites on Hart Island via Melinda Hunt/Hart Island Project (L); The Lowline (R)