Robert Kolenik’s Stylish Aquarium is Actually a Kitchen Island

If you like keeping aquariums filled with fish in your home, you might as well turn the tank into a stylish and useful feature. Designed by Robert Kolenik, this eye-catching kitchen island doubles as a stunning bluish aquarium. The crazy idea comes from the Netherlands and is called Ocean Kitchen.
Ocean Kitchen (Ocean Keuken) is Dutch designer Robert Kolenik’s latest and weirdest idea. It consists of a massive L-shaped aquarium topped by a thick Corian surface that can be lifted with the touch of a button. Made to measure in limited editions, it comes with plenty of hidden storage for keeping all the cooking utensils.
Robert Kolenik is an interior designer with a marketing background who creates stylish pieces for the home. After graduating with a degree in economics, he turned his eye to design, tackling everything from lighting to furniture, creating wonderfully weird designs. Ocean Kitchen is both stunning and surprisingly functional and has the power to turn any boring kitchen into an oceanic wonder.
See more of Robert Kolenik’s eye-catching designs here.
Photos courtesy of Robert Kolenik
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Hey there I’m interested in getting a price on the kitchen island fish tank! Any help will be appreciated! Thanks
Hey there I’m interested in getting a price on the kitchen island fish tank! Any help will be appreciated! Thanks