TONIGHT: Meet with SpareRoom’s CEO to score a $1/month room in his $8M loft

October 19, 2016

They say you have seven seconds to make a first impression, so a few minutes is enough to find a roommate, right? SpareRoom CEO and founder Rupert Hunt announced earlier this month that he is looking for two roommates to share his luxury West Village apartment. Part of the process includes “SpeedRoommating” as he searches for flat mates. SpeedRoomating is SpareRoom’s version of speed dating, except instead of a sloppy good night kiss, you could end up with a roommate or a room. Tonight, from 7 to 9 p.m. at The Winslow, Hunt will sit down and get to know people who are interested in paying just $1 a month to live in his Bleecker Street apartment.


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