The Brooklyn Museum transforms into a pop-up food bank this week

June 1, 2020

Photo by Howard Brier on Flickr

Starting on Monday, the Brooklyn Museum is temporarily transforming its parking lot into a weekly food bank. The institution announced last week a partnership with The Campaign Against Hunger (TCAH), a Bed-Stuy based nonprofit that has served about one million meals to New Yorkers in need during the coronavirus pandemic. The museum has been closed since March 13.

As first reported by Patch, the museum will host food distributions on a weekly basis from its Biergarten, located in the parking lot behind the museum at 200 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn. Groceries will be handed out between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m., starting June 1.

Volunteers will provide groceries and art activities to members of nearby communities affected by the pandemic. Those interested in picking up food from the museum should sign up by emailing, according to a press release.

For those who do not live near the museum and need help, find out where to get free food, how to get meals delivered, and how to apply to food assistance programs–as well as the many NYC organizations in need of financial support and manpower–here.

[Via Patch]


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