The Garden State of New York: Jerseyans Move to Manhattan and Brooklyn More Than Anyone

New Yorkers might want to stop hating on Jerseyans, because without the bridge and tunnel demographic the city would be a barren wasteland, at least according to this fun map from Very Small Array. First spotted by Brokelyn, the map uses census data to plot the state from which most people come in a given neighborhood (excluding those originally from New York). And as you can see, New Jersey makes up the majority of the city, followed not surprisingly by California. Florida, the third-place state, is a bit more unexpected, as is the fact that Mill Basin/Bergen Beach is full of Alaskans.
A similar study came out in 2014 from Spokeo, which tracked out-of-state mobile phone numbers in NYC. It shows that 27.5 perfect of transplants come from good old Jersey, with Connecticut trailing behind at 14 percent. Though 28.1 percent are “other,” California only made up 3.1 percent with this data. However San Francisco and Los Angeles were the second and third most popular cities, respectively. New Jersey cities close to New York took spots five through 10. If the trend progresses, we might all soon be calling Coney Island “the shore” and eating pork roll for breakfast.