Trump sells a $2.9M Central Park South condo to an undisclosed buyer

Via Wikimedia
President Donald Trump this month sold a $2.9 million condo at his Central Park South building to an unknown buyer, Forbes reported Tuesday. According to public documents, the deal between the Trump Organization and an entity called Koctagon LLC occurred on March 8 for an apartment at Trump Parc East, an 79-unit building next to the south end of Central Park. A limited liability company, or LLC, is typically used to protect the identity of the buyer.
According to Forbes, someone named Xiu Qong Li may be behind the Koctagon entity, as that is the named listed on the second page of city finance documents.
And an address listed for the entity is a condo building on 45th Street, owned by an LLC named Smile Caribbean. That LLC is linked to a Queens property that was partly owned by Xiu Qong Li until one year ago.
While Trump gave up his role as the president of the Trump Organization after being elected POTUS in 2016, he still retains a financial stake in the business. His two son’s, Donald Jr. and Eric, who signed the paperwork for this latest deal, technically oversee the organization.
The sale is the second at Trump Parc East of the year and went for $3,069 per square foot, the highest price paid for a unit at the building since 2016.
[Via Forbes]