VIDEO: What Ever Happened to This 1927 Parallel Parking Solution?

September 3, 2015

If you don’t have the bucks to fork over for a parking garage, having a car in the city can be quite the debacle thanks to alternate side of the street parking, indecipherable street signs, and the wrath of the meter maid. There’s also the challenge of physically getting into the parking spot, which usually requires several attempts at parallel parking. But this 1927 video shows a car with wheels that turn sideways, making urban parallel parking a no brainer.

The short Parisian film comes from the PathĂ© News archive. Because the front wheels turn sideways, the car can pivot in a circles. To parallel park, simply back into the rear of the space and then pivot the front wheels forward. We’re just trying to figure out why this doesn’t exist anymore.

[Via Mental Floss]


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