Yorkville Is NYC’s Most ‘Local’ Area; Meet the Woman Who Photographed Every Bodega in Manhattan

- Chatting with a second generation steel casement window restoration craftsman. [Find Everything Historic]
- Using data from Yelp, this map shows the most local and touristy spots in 16 major cities. In NYC, Yorkville is the most local, and the Theater District is the most touristy. [Washington Post]
- On Friday night, for the first time, the Empire State Building will be illuminated by projections of paintings in the new Whitney Museum. [Animal]
- Gail Victoria Braddock Quagliata spent nine months walking every block of Manhattan to photograph its roughly 4,000 bodegas. [Village Voice]
- This is interesting: “The number of visitors to New York City’s public libraries crushes attendance stats for major professional sports, performing arts, museums, gardens and zoos combined, yet their funding pales in comparison.” [Next City]
- Which New York City neighborhood are you? Find out in this Tinder-inspired quiz. [Refinery29]
Images: Carl Schurz Park in Yorkville via CityRealty (L); Shan Fu Bodega (R)