Your Daily Link Fix: A Bridge to Randall’s Island; A Tracker for Teddy

July 21, 2014
  • Brooklyn’s Best Comedy Show: If laughter is the best medicine then Brooklyn Mag has the antidote with 10 shows you can go to for the hottest acts in town.
  • Bronx Bridge to Randall’s Island: Soon South Bronx residents will be able to stroll, bike, run or skip right on over to Randall’s Island thanks to a pedestrian bridge that is being constructed as we speak. Bronx Centric gives us a sneak peak.
  • Teddy Bear Trackers: They have trackers for your dogs and now your kids can have trackers for Paddington. PSFK spotlights Virgin Trackers’s new invention that will save a headache when your kids leave their toys on the train.
  • Stinky Bubbly Brown Goo in Gowanus: The NY Post has details on a mysterious, smelly goo bubbling up in drains in Gowanus–a neighborhood not exactly known for having an aromatic fresh scent to begin with.
  • A TV That Only Works When You Smile: TV should be enjoyable, right? FastCo.Design, spotlights a TV designed to only work when you’re smiling, which sounds painful to be honest.

Images: Pedestrian bridge from Bronx to Randall’s Island (left), Teddy Tracker (right)

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