Your Daily Link Fix: Where to Watch the 4th of July Fireworks in Brooklyn; A Tree-Shaped Farm-on-a-Skycraper

July 2, 2014
  • To Buy or Not to Buy, That Is the Question: Millions of Americans are plagued with dilemma of renting vs. buying every year. Sparefoot helps us crack the code with this helpful infographic.
  • A Tree-Shaped Farm-on-a-Skyscraper: Green Acres is the place to be. Or at least that’s what the designers of the Urban Skyfarm believe. FastCo. has more on the crop-friendly design.
  • Algae Canopy Creates Clean Air for Cities: There are tons of benefits of living in the city, but we could always use cleaner air. ecoLogicStudio might have the solution with the Urban Algae Canopy. PSFK takes an in depth look at this innovation.
  • Where to Watch the Fourth of July Fireworks in Brooklyn: It’s nearing the holiday of hot dogs and hamburgers and we bet you’re mapping out your day for an optimum firework viewing experience. Well, Brooklyn Magazine has already done the work for you with this list of prime locations to watch the gunpowder display. But get an early start because these places are bound to be crowded.
  • The Best Products of the Year, According to Designers: We love the best. And who to tell us the best of the best other than designers themselves? Gizmodo has a list of designer-approved top products of the year.

Images: Fireworks over East River (left), Urban Skyfarm (right)

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